Call for Chapters: Redefining the Theory of the Firm Through a Postmodern Approach

Neslihan Aydogan-Duda and Navroop Sahdev are co-editing the upcoming 2020 book Redefining Theory of the Firm through a Postmodern Approach and are soliciting chapter contributions. Deadlines can be somewhat flexible but a timely proposal submission is encouraged.

About the book

The existing theories of the firm are based on the classical inputs and fiat money as a medium exchange as per defining the organizational form of the firm. This theory canvasses a very wide landscape of the market exchange resting on the accepted types of inputs of production, the medium of exchange, financial institutions and the typical ways of regulating this economic exchange when markets fail to provide efficiency and equity. In this book, the author aligns these theories with the current facts and changes. The book covers a clear explanation of artificial intelligence, its limitations and performance related characteristics, adverse selection of such digital inputs and their managers, the relevant under-performance of digital inputs, maintenance issues and costs, economies of coding, the introduction of digital currencies and their impact on resource allocation, financial institutions and policy design, organizing the economic activity and fluid firm boundaries, economies of scope, entry barriers and high-tech companies, a post-modern approach to anti-trust policies, towards a new theory of investment across the globe and the relevance of core institutions in defining income allocation.The book also sheds light on digital security issues from an informed and technical point of view. This book intends to cover all transforming technologies such as bio, nano, nuclear technologies in juxtaposition to the digital in and outputs in attempting to provide a long and neglected understanding of our post-modern market place.

Important Deadlines

Proposals Submission Deadline: October 31, 2019
Full Chapters Due: January 9, 2020

We are particularly on the lookout for chapters that address the following areas of scientific inquiry:
1. Maximizing “value creation” and not profits: The Benefit corporation legal structure
2. Networked economies and economic complexity
3. Social sciences as a single integrated field of study
4. The nexus between economic and governance structures and how emerging technologies are transforming it
5. Redefining “economic value”: Towards better indicators of economic development
6. What is economic development in the 21st century? Moving past the obsession with GDP growth
7. Accounting for externalities: Sustainability, new modes of value creation and better cost accounting

Let’s Work Together